The AlgoQuantics ConditionFilter can be used to make your trading-workflow in AgenaTrader as efficient as possible. You can use the ConditionFilter to automatize the sorting of any signal to any InstrumentList – you do not have to sort interesting instruments by hand anymore!
The AlgoQuantics ConditionFilter can be used to make your trading-workflow in AgenaTrader as efficient as possible. You can use the ConditionFilter to automatize the sorting of any signal to any InstrumentList – you do not have to sort interesting instruments by hand anymore!
Choose the desired Condition or ScriptedCondition for filtering, set a value which the condition needs to return and if the condition eventually follows all your specifications, the instrument will be sent to your chosen InstrumentList automatically.
This sorting algorithm can be used e.g. for computer-based market-preparation. All you have to do is to analyze the instruments, which got through the pre-screening with the ConditionFilter. Additionally, the ConditionFilter enables you in the easiest possible way to set up a multi-level trading-strategy.
To achieve this, the ConditionFilter can be used for creating pre-screened InstrumentLists as previously. Now, only on this pre-screened list you start your AT++ strategies, which can be set to create fully- or semi-automatic trades.
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